Day 4 - Romorror Girl

Romorror girl's site is sassy. The sub-title says it all - because there's nothing better than romance and horror. I wasn't sure you could pull off a marriage of such opposites unless you went for the horror of romance. But romorror girl's cute graphics sets the tone nicely.
I was asked five random questions and I think I might have helped with the horror end with my reply to the weirdest food I've ever tasted. Placenta paté. It was in the line of professional duty when I was directing the notorious episode for TV Dinners for Channel 4. But I still dine out on it. Otherwise I don't think I supplied much romance. I hope the picture of January Jones wil do. Even though she eats placenta too. In capsule form, which is much more modern.
But again a nice bunch of people stopped by to ask some questions, including the reliable Mai T, who wanted to know what film I would go see alone. Now that she knows I've eaten placenta, she probably thinks I'm a cannibal - and I have no friends. Which would be understandable. But I'm not a cannibal. Richard Dawkins defended eating placenta in a New Scientist editorial. It's a human by-product not a body part. So there. And I do have friends but I don't get to go out much with a young daughter. In fact, when our daughters were born within days of each other, one of my friends suggested we go into business and make cheese out of breast milk like some wacky French people do. I didn't think it would catch on and it might have been hard to ask for finance - say on Dragon's Den.
As it happens, I rather like going to the cinema alone. But its more fun with a companion. People don't look at you with pity and think you have no friends.
Bu the top news today - be still my beating heart - is the rafflecopter stands at 299! So Marianne, if you're still reading this blog, mosey on over and push it into the 300's. I know as Tour organiser it feels a bit iffy - but I won't tell. Promise.
Tomorrow its Edgar's Books - and Friday the 13th. Why didn't Romorror girl bag that slot?
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