Children's Author and Filmmaker

Film & TV
Behind the Crime - Channel 4
Two films, “Thieves” and “Fakers, in controversial and critically acclaimed documentary series where criminals revealed all about their crimes.
“Jaw droppingly amazing tales. Extraordinary.”
Daily Mirror
“A programme that is both depressing and funny...Full of grim humour… Fascinating… Colourful..Recommended.”
Financial Times
“A journalistic coup and at times beautifully filmed...a stylish and innovative contribution to our
understanding of criminals. Enlightening ”
the Guardian
“One of the most enjoyable documentaries I’ve seen in a long time”.
Tim Gardam,
Channel 4 Director of Programmes
“Illuminating…Don’t miss.”
Evening Standard

“With it’s unobtrusive voiceover and use of a special camera which has the
crims looking straight at the film achieved a notable degree of intimacy...a source of endless fascination.
Time Out
“Glorious, game-changing TV.”
The Guardian
“Original films full of insight about people who have anything but.”
Daily Telegraph
“Amazingly insightful. Behind the Crime amounted to an argument for banging ‘em up and throwing away the key.”
The Independent